Chris Cox, Dick Daddario, Kathy Davis, Joann Doneen, Carolyn Harper, Jennifer Hill, Diane Lachman, Sue McKee, Bonnie Mettler, Deann Mills, Nancy Neill, Jean Plough, Linda Pompeo, Val Rossman, Rashidah Salam, Kathran Siegel, Jacqueline Unanue, Chris Wagner, Margaret Watson, Carol Wisker, Zifeng Zang
Muse Gallery is pleased to present Colors of the Season, an exhibition of artwork by Muse Gallery artists. The exhibition includes work that represents the colors of the season such as red, green, silver, white, gold and blue. It’s a holiday celebration, providing a warm and festive atmosphere in which to view the art and enjoy this special time of the year. All work will be available for immediate purchase, which will help to make it the perfect holiday gift!