October 30
November 30, 2024
Blue Lashes
Meet the Artist!
Kathran Siegel will be in the gallery from 12-5pm on these Saturdays: November 9, 23,and 30,2024


First Friday: 
Friday, November 1, 2024
5 - 8pm

By naming this exhibition “Improvisations,” our intention is to call attention to a way of working where the outcome is not planned in advance, but develops in real time, as the artist responds to her work through her materials.  Once completed each work represents one of many possible outcomes also exhibited in this two person show featuring Kathran Siegel and guest artist Cassandra Petruchyk.

While we are accustomed to searching for the one “right” answer to a given problem, what makes one answer better than another has to do with some broader agenda, when there is one. Often it is only a matter of personal taste.